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ProduceFruit Perfection Grapes

Red Grapes

Refreshing, crisp and sweet

CRIMSON SEEDLESS grapes have a neutral flavour which lends itself perfectly to cheese platters and cooking. Their plump, crisp texture also makes for a perfect snack.

Available from February to June.

FLAME SEDLESS grapes have a crisp exterior with a decidedly delicate flavour within. Their sweet flavour pairs perfectly with cheese and crackers.

Available from December to January.

RALLI SEEDLESS red grapes are a delightful table grape. They are medium to large, firm, crisp and bursting with favour.

Available from December to February.

You know it’s autumn when the sensationally sweet and lusciously sized SCARLOTTA SEEDLESS® brand grapes arrive at your supermarket, just in time for back-to- school snacks. With their striking red colour and elegantly aromatic flavour, they are the epitome of the perfect red grape.

Available from March to May

RED GLOBES are a truly large variety of grapes- they are plump, crunchy, and satisfying. Thanks to their large stature, they make for great ice cubes in smoothies!

Available from March to June.

LONG CRIMSON SEEDLESS grapes are red in colour and have a mild flavour. Their crisp texture and sweetness make them a great indulgent snack that’s airing on the healthier side of life.

Available from February to April.

Australian Red Grapes | Perfection Fresh Australia Recipes

Some Wonderful ways to use our Red Grapes