{id=48441772102, createdAt=1622979192011, updatedAt=1718850177626, path='bambino-range', name='Bambino® Range', 64='{type=string, value=Find out more about our bambino range used to create healthy meals and snacks, read about how these can be used for in your meals today!}', 1='{type=string, value=Bambino Range | Perfection Fresh}', 65='{type=string, value=Bambino Range}', 4='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Vegetables', order=1, label='Vegetables'}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='Cruciferous', order=1, label='Cruciferous'}]}', 7='{type=option, value={id=3, name='big_square', order=2, label='big_square'}}', 8='{type=number, value=600}', 9='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Category', order=1, label='Category'}}', 13='{type=string, value=Baby They're Sweet}', 14='{type=string, value=About Bambino® Range}', 15='{type=string, value=OUR RANGE OF BAMBINO® RANGE}', 16='{type=string, value=Bambino® Sweet Baby Cabbage, Bambino® Baby Brussel Sprouts and Baby Endive Lettuce}', 59='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Category', order=1, label='Category'}}', 60='{type=image, value=Image{width=1400,height=600,url='https://7325363.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7325363/Produce%20Close%20up%20or%20Styled/Brussel-Sprouts--Banner-banner.jpg',altText='Brussel-Sprouts--Banner-banner',fileId=170827090294}}', 61='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=1000,url='https://7325363.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7325363/Produce%20Close%20up%20or%20Styled/bambino%20range-square-1.jpg',altText='bambino range-square-1',fileId=167689363780}}', 63='{type=number, value=1}'}
Get ready to rumble with these roly-poly Bambino® baby Brussels sprouts. Like happy, heart-lifting bobbles of mischief. Steam them, fry them, throw them into your favourite dishes. Chase them onto your fork to discover a world of mild, sweet cabbage flavour hidden within.
Bambino® Baby Brussels are tender, mild and sweet. The smaller the yummier!
Keep them in their punnet and store in your fridge crisper. Gobble them up within the first few days.
Filled with good health like cell-stimulating folate (folic acid), immuno-boosting vitamin C, vitamin K for strong bones and more.
Pick them when they’re firm, compact and a joyous bright green.